Social Media Articles by Rowan Kerek Robertson
Sample House Rules For Online Moderation
House Rules can be an important framework for your moderators or social media team to operate in. They make moderation easier for your team and more understandable for your online community. Here are some sample house rules that you can amend for your needs.
Moderation Guidelines for Social Media Engagement
To support your House Rules, offering additional guidelines for moderators which include more nuance can also often help them to perform their jobs with more certainty and less stress.
Increasing Your Reach on Instagram
As Instagram tinkers with its algorithms again, lots of people are reporting that their reach is plummeting. If this is you, or you just want your posts to perform better there, read on for my top tips on increasing your reach on Instagram, and download my five top tips.
Using Social Listening & User Research To Create Social Media Personas
How can social media activity communicate vital messaging most effectively? Combining Mace & Menter’s first class user research expertise with a deep-dive social media activity review, which included social listening and social media persona creation, we delivered valuable insights and strategic but practical, channel-specific recommendations around messaging.
Reaching Out To Youth Audiences
A talk given for the BBC Academy’s Production Unlocked covering social and media consumption by under 35s and the themes which resonate most strongly with younger adults.
Download the free e-book about developing your content and out reach strategy for LinkedIn, created by Rowan Kerek Robertson for Berkeley Communications.
A Toolkit For Dealing With Online Abuse
Co-created for The Space by Rowan Kerek Robertson.
Download My Social Media Planner
Don’t know where to start with your social media or how to get it kick started? Use my free social media planner download to plan your own successful social media strategy.
Rowan Kerek Robertson interviewed by Mediarte.
Winning A Social Media War
What does it take to make your social media as winning as Aldi’s #FreeCuthbert campaign?