Avoiding & Dealing With Online Abuse
~ Toolkit for the Cultural Sector
After conducting a survey asking people working in the cultural sector about their experiences of online abuse, it was clear to The Space that sadly lots of people were suffering online harms.
Working with The Space I helped them put together a practical toolkit about how to deal with online abuse.
Dealing with online abuse
The Space’s toolkit is designed as a pragmatic guide for artists and cultural organisations:
To understand online abuse – what the terminology around it means
To show its impact, with case studies from those who have been victims
To guide you through what to think about to prepare and protect your organisation
To introduce the concept of privacy check-ups and explain why they are important
To give you a checklist of what to think about if you are currently under attack
To offer a list of external resources that might help you to prepare for or respond to online abuse
You can find out more about the Onlein Abuse Toolkit and download it for FREE.